When Your Company Needs a Construction Lawyer

If you are involved in construction, when do you need a construction lawyer? A construction law firm can do a lot to secure your position and make sure you’re protected from beginning to end. If you haven’t thought about it, here are some of the moments when a construction lawyer can make a huge difference to your company:

Drawing Up the Contract

Everything depends on the contract. If you don’t get this right from the beginning, you may suffer the consequences throughout the project. The contract must be carefully drawn up and negotiated to ensure that all points are fair to you, that everything is binding on both parties, and that any requirements for arbitration or mediation are clearly spelled out. Each project is different, and having the right construction attorney on your side can make all the difference at this crucial stage.

When Changes Are Ordered

Like everything else in life, things don’t always go perfectly in a construction project. When change orders come down, what do you do? Changes almost certainly will need to be made at some point, but how can you make sure that the details of the changes are fair to you and in alignment with the original agreement? Having a skilled construction lawyer on your team means you have someone with experience looking over change orders to make sure that all the legal requirements are satisfied, all codes and regulations are in compliance, and that everything is in line with the original agreement and your company is not being placed at risk.

When Someone Breaches Contract

Though contracts are legally binding, it is not at all uncommon for one party or the other to fail to keep up their end of the bargain. A good contract should spell out how to deal with a breach of contract, but if it does not, or if the breach falls outside the scope of that part of the contract, it’s important to have construction attorneys who know how to approach the other party and safeguard your rights. You may also need the services of lawyers for construction companies if it becomes necessary to take another party to court.

Dealing With Delays

There are sometimes delays in any construction project. A construction lawyer can help you mitigate the fallout of the delay and prepare you for legal action if it becomes necessary. For example, your construction lawyer can help you bring the matter up informally with clients and help them understand why a delay has happened.

Another possible way of resolving the issue is to ask for a modification of the contract. In this situation, it’s typical to offer something in exchange, such as a discount. A construction law firm will know just what’s appropriate and how to offer something useful without taking too big of a hit. Finally, of course, a construction attorney who has been with your company from the first drafting of the contract will be best prepared to defend you against a legal action.

Overruns and Labor Disputes

Construction projects frequently run over budget and it can be very difficult to estimate for labor, equipment costs, and supplies. A good construction lawyer will have the experience to help you make these estimates more accurately and can help you analyze what went wrong if you do go over budget.

One of the things that can cause an overrun is a labor dispute. It’s important to have a construction lawyer familiar with employment law who can help you navigate these disputes and avoid unnecessary delays.

Resolving Contract Disputes

When things turn sour, it’s important to have an objective legal professional on your side. They can help you understand when litigation, arbitration, or mediation are the best choice. They can help you figure out where you really stand and what kind of results you should expect from dispute resolution. A contract lawyer is there to defend your rights and help you get the best outcome possible.

These are just some good reasons to hire an expert in construction law from the very beginning. Your construction lawyer can help with your contract, disputes and litigation, overruns, and change orders. Don’t wait till a problem arises before calling a lawyer.

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