Driving a car is a responsibility that should not be taken lightly. It is important to stay focused while driving, as one split second distraction can cause a disaster.In 2013, 3,154 people were killed in auto accidents involving distracted drivers, and about 424,000 people were injured. These distractions can involve texting, using a GPS, talking on the phone, or driving drunk.
The statistics are dreary, each day people drive drunk almost 300,000 times, but fewer than 4,000 are arrested. Overall, drunk driving costs the United States $199 billion a year. Additionally, five seconds is the average time your eyes are off the road while texting. If you are traveling at 55 miles per hour, that is enough time to cover the length of a football field blindfolded.
Your life is more important than a text or a bottle of beer. Here are some tips to keep you focused on the road while driving.
Avoid fiddling with the radio knobs while driving. If you are confused about how something works, take the time to sit down and learn how the radio works. You can also play a CD with all the songs you like in order to prevent you from changing the channel. If you must fiddle, only do so when parked or at a red light and your car isn’t moving.
Additionally, you can even turn off the radio if you need complete silence and concentration.
Adjust the mirrors to the right height and angle before you start driving. Because this can change between morning and night, make it a habit to fix as soon as you get in the car. It is also important to note we sit about an inch lower on the way home from work due to exhaustion, and this can reduce the effectiveness of our mirrors.
Never wear a music player. You need all your senses to drive properly, and an music player will distract your brain from the road ahead.
Learn how to anticipate. Being aware of the activity around you is crucial for safe driving. Certain things to look out for include cars merging lanes without using their signal, congestion impacts, wide vehicles needing more space, emergency vehicles needing to pass through, and different light changes.
Even if you practice safe driving there is still a risk of getting in an auto accident. If this happens, there are many legal services available to help you. There are auto accident lawyers that can help you deal with the multiple auto accident claims needed to be properly filled out, along with potential court appearances. Employing a trusty lawyer will save you stress, and ensure the best outcome when it comes to vehicle accidents.