Criminal defense lawyer in clackamas county
Duii law firm
Legal representation
6 Tips for Finding the Right Criminal Defense Law Firm
- Court Video
- February 16, 2019
Every year, thousands of people are arrested and charged with crimes that could devastate their life, family, and future. In reality, not every crime is treated the same, and not all criminal attorneys can offer each client the best possible outcome they deserve. Understandably, there are three main criminal case types: misdemeanors, felonies, and capital […]
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Divorce mediation libertyville
Having your divorce mediated
What is divorce mediation
Using the Right Mediators for a Divorce Case
- Court Video
- February 16, 2019
Mediation is a common practice in different arenas of American private or business life, and mediation can be useful in such practices as divorce or with a divorce lawyer, family mediation, a bankruptcy case, an employee injury case, or even for disputes or negotiations between businesses. Divorce help may involve lawyers and/or those who specialize […]
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