Do You Owe the IRS?

Owing back tax

If you owe the IRS back taxes, did you know that they can seize your property without a court order? They can do that legally and they do it all the time. You don’t want to be left holding the bag when you owe the IRS. People who owe back taxes to IRS live in constant fear of bank levies on their bank accounts, social security payments and other assets, such as real property and insurance proceeds. The IRS is not an institution you want to owe money to.

Back in 1787 the United States Federal Government gained the constitutional right to collect taxes from its citizens. However, the federal government has to give back a portion of these tax revenues to the states, the amounts of which are according to the population of each state and certain other factors.

Today, the way people pay what they owe IRS is done mostly through efile. Being able to pay online what you owe IRS began in 1989 in 36 of the states. Before that, everyone had to do paper filing of their yearly tax forms and payments were sent using checks. It is much simpler now with efile. Everyone actually had the ability to efile in 1990. It has taken awhile, but now, most people file their tax forms online and you pay what you owe IRS online today as well.

Different cities are changing the way they do taxes now too. For instance, did you know that if you live in Chicago you have a 9 percent tax on soda fountain drinks? If you buy your soda in a bottle or a can though, there is only a 3 percent tax. Chicago residents are not really happy about that, but taxes are taxes. Most citizens don’t mind paying when they owe IRS money each year. However, if you owe IRS back taxes it can be a little troubling. Owing back taxes can mean facing the above terrifying scenarios and even getting your wages garnished. Find back tax help and relief by contacting a tax resolution service today. Ger more information on this topic here.

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